The EEB major is designed to provide students with core disciplinary training while giving them the flexibility of interdisciplinary electives to meet their academic goals. Experiential learning through field trips is a hallmark of our program, allowing students to study the major terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of an ecoregion.
Learning Outcomes
All students will demonstrate
- A mastery of the required coursework
- An understanding of the central issues and current research in the discipline
- Breadth and depth of knowledge in the discipline
- An ability to publish research results in peer-reviewed journals
- An awareness of the societal and ethical issues surrounding the discipline
Curriculum Requirements
Master of Science (MS)
Degree requirements: 30 credits | Time-to-degree: 3 years or less
- Conceptual Foundations in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB 5110) - 4 credits
- 'Ecology' or 'evolutionary biology' course - 3 credits
- Seminar (EEB 6980) - 1 credit
- Statistics/quantitative methods course - 3-4 credits
- Thesis research - 10 credits
- Elective courses/additional research - 8-9 credits (credits as needed to reach 30 required)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Degree requirements: 72 credits | Time-to-degree: 5 years or less
- Conceptual Foundations in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB 511) - 4 credits
- 'Ecology' and 'evolutionary biology' courses - 6 credits
- Seminar (EEB 698) - 2 credits
- Statistics/quantitative methods course - 3-4 credits
- Dissertation research - variable credits*
- Elective courses/additional research (credits as needed to reach 72 required)
*No established minimum; at discretion of POS Committee and student.
Approved 'Ecology' and 'Evolutionary Biology' Courses
- Advanced Community Ecology (EEOB 5850)
- Advanced Ecosystem Ecology (EEOB 5840)
- Aquatic Ecology (EEOB 5860)
- Behavioral Ecology (A ECL 5510)
- Ecology of Freshwater Invertbrates, Plants and Algae (AECL 5150)
- Analysis of Populations (AECL 6110)
- Conservation Biology (EEOB 5310)
- Evolutionary and Ecological Genomics (EEOB 5610)
- Functional Ecology (EEOB 5760)
- Insect Ecology (ENT 5710)
- Microbial Ecology (EEOB 5870)
- Population Ecology (EEOB 5890)
- Restoration Ecology (EEOB 5350)
- Wetland Ecology (EEOB 5640)
Evolutionary Biology
- Advanced Animal Behavior (EEOB 5070)
- Advanced Systematics (EEOB 5680)
- Agrostology (EEOB 5530)
- Biogeography (EEOB 5690)
- Empirical Population Genetics (EEOB 5670)
- Evolutionary and Ecological Genomics (EEOB 5610)
- Evolutionary Genetics (EEOB 5620)
- Life History and Reproductive Strategies (EEOB 5140)
- Molecular Evolution (EEOB 5660)
- Molecular Phylogenetics (EEOB 5630)
- Macroevolution (EEOB 5650X)
- Plant Evolution and Phylogeny (EEOB 5510)
MS students may also use the following courses to meet the 'ecology' or 'evolutionary biology' requirement:
- Foundations of Theoretical Ecology and Evolution (EEOB 5780)
- Systematic Entomology (ENT 5760)
Fall 2024
ENT 5900B Special Topics: Chemical Ecology and Behavior. NOTE: this course has been approved to substitute for an EEB6980 course
Wednesday 10:00-11:00 am in 1330 ATRB
Description of the Course
This is an introduction to chemical ecology and will cover fundamental concepts, classic and recent examples of chemical-mediated species interactions with a focus on plant-insect interactions. This class will also include an introduction to the methods and techniques used in this field of inquiry. Students are expected to engage in in-class discussions of the material, as well as present recent literature from the field of chemical ecology.
Materials: In this course students will primarily read primary literature and book chapters, and these will be place on either Canvas or CyBox for the students to access. In addition to material that students will present and send out to the rest of the class.
Learning Objectives:
- Be familiar with terminology and concepts common to the field of chemical ecology.
- Be familiar with methods commonly used in chemical ecology
- Gain experience reading peer-reviewed manuscripts critically
Teaching format: The first third to half of the class (depending on class size) will focus on introducing students to the field of chemical ecology through in-class discussion over review and journal articles, supplemented by brief lectures to introduce students to key concepts. Topics covered during this portion of the class include: Introduction to Chemical Ecology, History of Chemical Ecology, Chemosensory Systems, and Introduction to Chemical Ecology Techniques (split into multiple classes covering: Chemical Analysis, bioassays, electrophysiology, etc.). The remainder of the class will focus on student led discussion of key topics in chemical ecology, where they will introduce an area of study as well as lead a discussion on a peer-reviewed journal article associated with that area of chemical ecology.
Assessment: Student evaluation will be based on discussion participation and an in-class presentation on a chemical ecology topic of their choosing.
Dr. Amber Crowley-Gall
Office: 4003 ATRB, 2213 Pammel Drive
Phone: 294-9426
Spring 2025
Tea Time Talks: Conversation around the EEOB/EEB Seminar Series
EEB 698 – SPRING 2024 – 1 CREDIT Tuesdays from 3:10 - 4:00 pm in 145 Bessey Hall
Description of the Course
This course is a discussion-based class with attendance at the weekly EEOB/EEB seminar series. The week before each seminar, we will have the class read a peer-reviewed paper related to the seminar topic. Then two days before the seminar, we will have a student-led discussion of the paper and related topics at our afternoon tea time. For some weeks, we will invite a guest faculty member whose research is closely related to the topics to provide their perspective to our discussion. Reading and discussion of the material will help students feel more engaged in the seminar and understand how the topic connects to a broader ecological and/or evolutionary context. As a result, students should feel more comfortable to ask questions during the weekly seminar, creating a more energetic discussion around the topic. We also encourage the students in the course to participate in the graduate student lunches organized for in-person visitors.
Course goals and learning objectives
- To become familiar with a diversity of topics in ecology and evolution through the attendance of weekly seminars, reading primary literature, and discussion and presentation of this primary literature
- To identify the questions and hypotheses underlying each reading that will put the seminar speaker’s research in a broader ecological or evolutionary context
- To increase student engagement in the weekly EEOB/EEB seminar series.
Dr. Jeanne Serb
Office hours: Immediately after each class, or by appointment.
Dr. Charlie Loewen
Office hours: Immediately after each class, or by appointment.